I think initially my ideology of growing up when I was younger was sliding my tiny feet into my mother's high heels and stealing her lipstick when she wasn't looking. I would pretend that I was a doctor and make sure that my dog would schedule appointments to have a check up done by yours truly. Carrying around a fake cell phone, I would walk around the house pretending to have an in depth conversation with a best friend that didn't exist.
But despite thinking that I knew everything about being an adult and how the world works at age 10, I was no where near as informed as I would've liked to be.
The sad part about growing up, to my surprise, was finding out that not everything is as perfect and seamless as it seems. I grew up finding out that my dad; who I thought was this heroic figure who could save the world and end poverty all in one day and still be home in time for dinner, was hiding his addiction to cigarettes. Every hero has his weakness.
I also grew up finding out that my mom; who I thought could be at 3 different places at once and could handle any problem or issue the world handed her with a smile, was stressed out beyond belief and hated the job she was in. I guess hating your job isn't anything odd in the society we live in today, but she disliked her job so much that it she couldn't be satisfied with anything because she was so unhappy with her life.
So I guess I can't really pinpoint an exact moment between the transition of myself driving my Barbie car around the house to driving an actual car to pick up my friends, but I think along my journey to that point, I've looked at the world around me as it slowly diminished from the picture perfect image I had believed it was a majority of my youth.
Growing up is probably one of the hardest things to do, and every day I grow up just a little more than the day before. And it's not that the sudden realization that someone's imperfection makes them a bad person, because it doesn't at all. It just a friendly reminder that no one is perfect and that we're all human. Even someone you idolize as a perfect being is not all they're cracked up to be.
But knowing now that not everyone is perfect is a comforting feeling. Knowing that you can make mistakes and not have to compare yourself to a superhero is a huge weight off your shoulders. So I guess that superheroes don't really exist in reality, and sometimes you find that as they're trying to fly they end up stepping on their own cape.